Exploring Effectiveness of Scar Creams

People who suffer from scars have an embarrassing issue to deal with. Scars happen for many reasons, including injury, surgery, and piercings. No matter what the cause, an unsightly scar may leave the sufferer exploring the effectiveness of scar creams.

Creams for ScarsThere are so many creams for scars on the market that it can get a bit confusing picking one. You need to understand the different types of scars in order to find just the right cream for your type of scar. Scar creams can fade and reduce the appearance of scars and leave you with healthier looking skin.

All about Scars

Scars form when the skin becomes open due to injury, surgery, piercings or burns. The body immediately begins the healing process and starts to send collagen and protein to the site of injury.

Collagen and protein form a fibrous tissue that closes up the wound. Normal skin tends to look like a basket weave under a microscope, but scars only have tissue that goes in one direction. This leaves spots on the skin that are different in color and texture. Some scars are minor and unnoticeable, but some can be very prominent and large. Creams for scars are designed to treat certain types of scars, and different scars may need more or less treatment. Let’s take a look at the different types of scars.

Creams for ScarsTypes Of Scars

Keloid Scars – These scars form after a wound has healed, sometimes up to months later. They tend to become larger than the area of the original wound and can be raised up and darker in color, with tough or rubber-like tissue. They are caused by an overproduction of collagen at the site of injury and are more common in people with darker skin tones.

Contracture Scars – Contracture scars tend to become smaller and tighter than the original wound bed and can make the skin feel tight. The pulling sensation when you move the area around the injury can cause pain with movement.

Hypertrophic Scars – These scars are often confused with keloid scars. They are very much alike in that they are more red and discolored than normal scars and the tissue can be very tough and rubbery. The difference is hypertrophic scars do not become larger than the site of original injury.

Acne Scars – Severe and even mild acne can leave scars on the skin. Some severe acne scars can appear as pits and can be very damaging to self-esteem. With good skin care and treatments, these scars can be faded, reduced or even filled in to give the skin a smoother appearance.

The Effectiveness of Creams on Scars

Depending on the type of scar you have and how committed you are to your treatment and skin care, creams can dramatically reduce the appearance of your scar. By nourishing the skin with proper nutrients, moisture and protection, scar creams can be effective over time with consistent use.

Scar creams use safe, all-natural ingredients that can help smooth and flatten scar tissue and the surrounding area.

These methods promote increased blood circulation, exfoliate dead skin cells, and regenerate healthy tissue for glowing skin. The effectiveness of a scar cream depends on how often and how long you use your choice of treatment.

Using Scar Creams

In order to see the most effective results, scar creams must be used as directed. In addition, follow these steps to help increase treatment effectiveness:Creams for Scars

  • Cleanse and Exfoliate – Before applying a scar cream, cleanse and exfoliate the scar area with a gentle soap and rinse with water to remove old skin cells.
  • Apply and Massage – Apply the cream and use a gentle, circular massage technique to help loosen scar tissue and get the cream into the layers of skin. The massage can help increase circulation and regenerate tissue at the site of injury.
  • Use Daily – Perform these steps daily, and over time you will see a reduction in scars and experience fresh healthy skin!
  • Start Treatment As Soon As PossibleBegin scar treatment as soon as the wound from an injury has closed. Ask your doctor when the best time would be to apply cream to scars caused by surgery. Newer scars fade better if treated early on.
  • Use SunscreenDuring scar treatment, make sure you use a good sunscreen to keep the skin from discoloring more and making the scar more pronounced.