Finding the Right Cure for your Acne

There are many causes of acne and the unattractive scars it leaves your skin with. Acne can be caused by stress, poor skin care, and certain foods. Some acne is caused by genetics, age, and health conditions. It is most important to take good care of your skin to promote healing of acne and prevent acne scars. It is possible to heal acne lesions and overcome scarring, leaving your skin fresh and rejuvenated. It just takes finding the right cure for your acne and sticking to your treatment plan.

How to Get Started

A Cure for Your AcneLooking for acne treatment can be overwhelming. There are so many over-the-counter washes, creams ,and gels dedicated to acne. A good number of drugstore formulas are safe and do not go into the body, so there are no chances of drug interactions. Over-the-counter acne treatments help by taking care of bacteria on the skin, keeping the skin clean and preventing pores from clogging through exfoliation.

Microdermabrasion is very helpful for exfoliation and can restore healthy skin, which helps to prevent scars. This leaves skin smooth and feeling like silk. It is important after using any acne washes, creams, or microdermabrasion that you apply an oil-free moisturizer to help restore the balance of moisture to the skin. Many times, the skin will overproduce natural oils when it is too dry, and lack of moisture can actually lead to acne.

If you have deep, severe, pitted acne, see a dermatologist to help you with medical treatment of your acne. A physician can help you find an aggressive treatment if needed for acne and acne scars. Medical treatments include laser therapy, surgical lancing, and chemical peels. These things can be costly, and some may have side effects. Trying home therapy first is always best for your skin and your budget.

Acne is More than Just Skin Deep

A Cure for Your AcneThe causes of acne may lie well beneath your skin. Those who suffer from depression and emotional stress can suffer from acne even beyond their teenage years. One reason for this is the inability to regulate hormones and chemicals associated with stress, and this can cause severe outbreaks. Many times, older acne sufferers may need to seek professional counseling to help learn techniques to deal with stress and depression. This may help with self-esteem issues and also help calm down acne breakouts.

Eating Right with Acne

Diet really doesn’t have a whole lot of influence on acne, and there are very few things in the diet that can affect or cause acne. But not eating healthily affects the entire body and how it fights off acne breakouts. When your body doesn’t obtain the proper nutrients and vitamins, it cannot heal itself. When you suffer from acne scars, you need proper nutrition to regenerate healthy skin cells. A dietitian can help you plan a good diet to help your body get what it needs. Each body has its own individual needs, and meal plans can be developed to optimize your skin’s healing capacity. While diet may not be the cure for your acne, it may help with the skin healing.
The situation at hand is that stress can make acne worse, and worsened acne can lead to more stress. Getting help for stress, eating right, and finding the right cure for your acne helps in the long run. There are so many choices for treatment to make you look and feel your best!